Farm work fun!

Lucy had her first (new) school friend over for a playdate on Saturday. I’ll call her Patty for this post. Patty and Lucy spent most of their time playing outdoors- swinging and traversing the monkey bars, checking on the chickens and feeding the turkeys, and picking leftover field corn from the lonely row remaining for animal feed. Andy joked that starting next year our kids and Patty wouldn’t be able to do that, what with the new child labor laws. Knowing that my husband can be quite the jokester, I did some investigating and found an informative fact sheet concerning this. Thankfully, Patty is safe to come back and “play” work on our farm anytime. However, if you are employing kids on your farm that aren’t part of your family, please read up on the new laws.

Kids picking corn

One thought on “Farm work fun!

  1. AMF November 25, 2011 / 4:35 pm

    Love the picture! I heard about the new law on the radio.

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