
Our turkeys are pastured raised and never given added hormones nor routine antibiotics. They arrive at our farm at 1-2 days old and fed unmedicated feed in the brooder. We usually have a batch of chicks that arrive with them to teach the turkeys how to eat and drink. At 3-4 weeks old they are moved to pasture where they are given free range (movable fence) access to grass and insects.

Turkeys are processed a few days before Thanksgiving onsite, making them the freshest bird you will ever eat. This also eliminates the stress of travel. Butchering day in November is completely weather dependent, as we work outside. They are picked up same day after chilling.

Whole turkeys are $4/lb.

Call or text (614) 205-0365, or just click here. Place your order by September 15 to guarantee a bird for Thanksgiving.
